ACTEAZ News  President’s Letter

President’s Letter – October 2020
Submitted by Dr. Randy Kimmens

Dear ACTEAZ Members,

As 2020 continues to be a year of great challenges, ACTEAZ is striving to meet the needs of our members more than ever before. This means supporting you all through digital delivery methods while also adhering to safety standards in physical gatherings. To that end, you will be seeing a video message from our board members soon.

Upcoming changes to the ACTEAZ website that will also provide more resources and easier access to information for our members. Planning for our midwinter conference is occurring and more complete information will be available in the next few weeks.

Please follow ACTEAZ on Facebook and Twitter for updates. Building advocacy and supporting you our members is vital to inspiring students to find, hope, relevancy and purpose through CTE. Your contributions are vital to the success of students reaching their career aspirations through Career and Technical Education.

Stay safe with your continued CTE endeavors!

Best Regards,
Dr. Randy Kimmens